Introduction To EFT Tapping will teach you a powerful, elegant, and effective tool to help you release your on-going stress as well as begin to shift any energetic patterns that no longer serve you. 

This course will allow you to safely take care of your body and calmly handle whatever life throws at you.

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This product is offered by Damla Aktekin and A Drop Of Om LLC

Heal your energetic wounds and meet your unique needs with a private session with Damla Aktekin!

Special 44% off private session discount (normally $444)
An intuitively guided private crystal healing and/or EFT Tapping session to help heal your energetic wounds and meet your unique energetic needs

“I have found Damla’s healing sessions extremely helpful and honestly, life-changing.” 

Gayle V.
Private Healing Client

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"Thank you so much! I followed the EFT meditation and it was wonderful. I relate to everything you say in the meditation, and find it so helpful. When it was over, I felt a rush of sensations flow through my thighs to my feet, my energy was flowing more. I will do it every morning and night, and after I finish a shift at work (before I come into the house to be with my kids and family). " 

Mary Q.
EFT Tapper
"I have been listening and tapping with your EFT Tapping meditations for the past 3 or 4 days. I think it is wonderful and really helps to shift my energy. Thank you for putting this out there." 
Katy M.
EFT Tapper

Introduction To EFT Tapping Online Course$333

  • Total payment
  • 1xIntroduction To EFT Tapping Online Course$333

All prices in USD
